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高端机床机床 摇臂钻探路由大变强 发展任重道远

高端机床机床 摇臂钻探路由大变强 发展任重道远


高端机床机床 摇臂钻探路由大变强 发展任重道远
来自中国机床 机床 摇臂钻协会2011年的行业统计数据表明:我国机床 机床 摇臂钻工具产品进口增势较快,进口203亿美元,同比增长29%。进口全是中高档以上的机床 机床 摇臂钻。  “由于国际机床 机床 摇臂钻市场营销策略发生变化,以高技术为先导,用高技术武装的低价格中档机床 机床 摇臂钻产品迅速占领我国机床 机床 摇臂钻市场,对我国国内机床 机床 摇臂钻企业提出严峻挑战。”沈阳机床 机床 摇臂钻集团董事长关锡友说。  在机床 机床 摇臂钻行业,一般把数控机床 机床 摇臂钻以轴数为标准,三轴以下的为低档,三至五轴为中高档,五轴以上为高档。对工业来说,生产设备传统与现代区别的标志是传统机床 机床 摇臂钻和数控机床 机床 摇臂钻,这已成为行业共识。机床 机床 摇臂钻单机智能化和自动化即数控机床 机床 摇臂钻是机床 机床 摇臂钻工业的方向,其高精、高细、高速、柔性、智能,是现代工业的标志。现代装备业正在向极端制造方向发展,一是越来越高大,二是越来越细小,三是越来越复杂,生产工艺高度集成。  装备制造业水平看东北,机床 机床 摇臂钻水平也看东北,东北是我国机床 机床 摇臂钻企业最集中、实力最强的地区。记者在东北机床 机床 摇臂钻具有代表性的沈阳机床集团公司、大连机床集团公司、齐重数控装备股份有限公司三家企业采访了解到,机床 机床 摇臂钻行业存在的主要不足是:  其一,精确度、稳定性、可靠性等差距。比如五轴联动数控机床 机床 摇臂钻国外产品连续1500小时没有故障,国产大约1000小时,相差1/3。  其二,机床 机床 摇臂钻的复合性能差距较大。目前市场上五轴联动加工中心多用于航天航空、核电等,单台价格达四五百万元。五轴联动数控是欧洲控制的技术,是核心技术中的核心技术,欧洲严禁外泄。五轴必须保证不能用于军事,才能引进。沈阳机床 机床 摇臂钻、大连机床 机床 摇臂钻、齐重数控可以做三轴,五轴也可做,但性能与进口产品相比有一定差距。国内企业和航空航天等重要科研单位使用的高档机床 机床 摇臂钻基本全是进口。  其三,数控系统的差距。数控系统是数控机床 机床 摇臂钻的核心,德国西门子、利勃海尔和日本的马扎克、法拉克掌握着数控系统的最高水平,利勃海尔数控系统16个软件包的价格接近母机价格,软件和母机一起卖,不分开出售,软件利润非常高。目前国内机床 机床 摇臂钻企业使用的中高档机床 机床 摇臂钻的数控系统基本都是国外进口。  其四,其他关键配套件差距。大连机床 机床 摇臂钻副总裁姜怀胜表示,大连机床 机床 摇臂钻可以向国际先进水平追平95%,但剩下的5%不是一个企业甚至一个行业能够做到的,包括钢铁原料、标准件、螺钉、螺帽等,需要提升国家工业整体水平。此外,工艺、检测等环节目前也达不到世界先进水平。

更多相关资讯:钻床  摇臂钻床价格   摇臂钻床型号  文章来源:山东天河控  http://www.thybz.com 

Rocker drill manufacturers analysis: the iron and steel industry profit in the two quarter or inversionRocker drill manufacturers in Shandong Tianhe CNC equipment limited company is Shandong Lunan region machinery industry a wide range of group type punch press enterprises, major efforts to drilling, drilling rocker, rocker drilling machine and other equipment consumption and research and development of high-tech enterprises, is the city of Machine Tool Industry Association member units, has repeatedly been rated as the" Zaozhuang municipal units of consumer satisfaction"," the cultural integrity of private enterprises", now has more than 8000 yuan in fixed assets, covers an area of more than 10 square meters, enterprises according to the market request, uses the ISO2008international quality standard quality, cost-effective, welcomed by users at home and abroad. The following analysis of rocker drilling manufacturers : the steel industry profit in the two quarter or inversionAffected by the economic downturn, the downstream demand depressed affect, iron and steel industry listed companies net profit year-on-year decline, a quarter of the industry in the industry at the same time overall deficit, debt rose to the highest level in history.From our statistics of the29 major iron and steel company,2011 to complete the business gross income 1486769000000 yuan, grow 15.46% compared to the same period; a net profit of 17672000000 yuan, down42.12% compared to the same period. The steel company to revenue growth of22% is higher than the industry level and general steel company, measure with the downstream demand structure upgrades, special steel company growth in industry.At present, the iron and steel industry debt climbed to the highest. The first quarter of 2012, iron and steel industry as a whole in trouble. Although the main fuel price decline, but in the macroeconomic slowdown under the great background of steel price lasts low fan, operating revenue drop more, a quarter of iron and steel industry sales income 337411000000yuan, than last year the four quarter to reduce 12861000000 yuan; sales gross margin of 5.1%, compared to 2011at the end of7.21% continued to search, the first quarter of this year, industry profit in overall deficit plight.Investment strategy: the industry profit first quarter had hit bottom, general steel company profitability landing faster, indebted rate continues to rise. With the downstream demand recovery driven rising steel prices, iron ore prices rise space subject to the port high inventory and supply gradually enlarge, fuel prices will be lower than the two quarter steel prices, industry profit reversion affirmation. To maintain the industry" recommend " investment rating.